A creative journey for the love of designing, creating, teaching, and sewing

by Sue Beevers
by Trillium Ridge
About Sue
Okay, at this point you know that I'm an author, fabric designer, fabric painter, and quilter. I've been a guest artist twice on HGTV's Simply Quilts, and I design fabrics for Northcott. But here's what you may not know about me...
I am an artist and painter, but I started out as a spinner, weaver, and dyer, and my fibre work exists in collections throughout the United States, Europe, and Japan. I have also travelled extensively giving lectures and workshops at most of the major weaving and spinning fibre conferences. And I still have a weaving studio.
I'm also a 'cellist. I have a private cello studio, and I teach cello at Hamilton College. So, I live in two different worlds: music and art. Good thing I'm a workaholic!
I live in rural central New York State, and much of my work is about the inextricable link between people and the natural world,and the sheer joy of existing in such a fascinating environment.